Preparing to Study Biology

Students entering college find themselves researching different majors: here is some general info on what you may experience getting a degree in Biology.

Many choices confront you as you move into, through, and ultimately beyond high school. When you reach this last phase, you may be torn between a number of your interests as you consider what school to attend and what majors to consider when you get there. Like you, many including myself struggled with this question and made their choices for better or worse.

Hopefully, your choice brings you closer to what you want to spend the rest of your life doing (which you probably do not even know yet), but whatever you choose, you have arrived at this article due to at least some minor interest in the science of biology. Besides it, take into account that most courses require to write a lot. Moreover, being an active essay writer, a student is more likely to succeed in his/her study. Most students comprehend and memorize material better while making notes. 

That established, let me try to tell you a little bit about this wonderful topic which has been my own chosen area of study. I’ll try to cover some areas of interest, the potential for employment, and what to expect from your classes.


Biology is the science of life. According to one of the most popular college-level textbooks on the subject by Campbell and Reese: “biology is a central science, and attractive to humans because of our basic curiosity about the world around us”.

Biology is the study of all living things and their interactions with each other and their environments. Biology in general is broken up into several other categories, each a completely defined science in itself. Ecology tends to deal mainly with non-human species interactions, while environmental science tends to deal with the impacts of humans on nature.

Anatomy is the study of the human body or the body of one species, while comparative zoology is the study of the similarities and differences between species. As you can see, biology encompasses and overlaps many other sciences.

The Information Explosion

Students studying anything in high school or college currently are in the midst of what is being called an “information explosion.” The information explosion is a widely used term used to refer to the fact that the human race generates new information at a nearly incomprehensible speed. For example, according to the EMC organization, which studies information and information technology, if you wanted to store all of the current information in the world on electronic media like computer memory, you would be short of enough space by about 35%.

This makes specialization within one’s field a necessity for progress. And many biologists have chosen one special area of interest, such as endocrinology, microbiology, immunology, botany, ichthyology, and genetics; to name only a fraction. This practice of specialization is likely to become more pronounced as time moves forward. As such when you get to the more advanced levels of biology you are likely to develop a favorite area of study, and professors will quickly encourage you to try and become an expert in this topic.

Some Areas You Might Get a Job

Biology in all forms is a very engaging and rewarding science to be a part of. Some of the highest paying jobs find their roots in biology, and so do many of the most perplexing scientific questions of all time. Pharmaceuticals, biochemistry, and medicine are among the most recognized in both of these areas, due to the high amount of interest in our health and wellbeing.

Environmentalism is a popular movement in our society and awareness of the human impact on the planet seems to be ever-growing. Academics and government agencies alike are working on environmental issues such as pollution, overpopulation, and irresponsible agricultural practices. Large corporations are discovering that waste and pollution are huge problems for them. Corporate green advocates, environmental public relations, and efficiency experts are all working to rectify the image of the company as the villain by default. Quite simply it is profitable to be green nowadays, and someone with an understanding of green work practices, an interest in the wellbeing of the planet, and a good sense of public image is valuable to a company.

Academic and research biology is a growing field as well. There are barely enough students to accommodate the staggering number of subjects, and new ones seem to be being created almost every month. All of the topics I have previously mentioned can represent entire degrees in and of themselves, each requiring a great number of courses to master. As for the best essay writing service reddit, academic research leads to important new directions for science including the decoding of the human genome and the now almost commonplace practice of genomics: sequencing and studying the genetic codes of humans and other organisms.

Skills You’ll Need for College

Students of biology will experience all facets of a course in a major science. Writing ability, patience with material and vocabulary, and a keen memory and attention to detail are all essential. An understanding of all other major sciences is likely to be required through general education courses by your school, or as a prerequisite for admission into the program. Most important to the science of biology, arguably, would be a good grasp of mathematics, and an excellent understanding of chemistry. My degree required four semesters of chemistry as a minimum, and many of the upper-level biology classes introduce their chemistry concepts. Expect to deal with reaction equations, practices in working safely with chemicals, an understanding of stoichiometry, and the major molecule types important to live. Math students may find an excellent use for their abilities in both ecology and genetics, which analyze populations a great deal. Any biology student should be prepared for periodic crash courses in other topics, to deal with the complexity of life on Earth.


In short, knowledge of biology is currently on the rise in popularity and demand. Students of biology are a valuable commodity and a proven ability to understand the concepts represented within the science is an indispensable skill, both in monetary and scholarly measurement. If your interests fall within saving the planet, making money, solving the mysteries of life, or becoming famous (for modern celebrity biologists search: Craig Venter, Joe Davis, and Tyrone Hayes to name just a few of my personal favorites), then hopefully you can be persuaded into the study of biology, to use your talents for the benefit of all life in our universe.

Oh, and feel free to quote that last line when employers ask you why you want to work for them.

Mastering Biology Terminology In Introductory Courses

Ideas for increasing retention of vocabulary presented in introductory college-level biology courses.

As a teacher, and previously as a student, I have found one of the more frustrating courses to get through is a large survey course like Intro to Biology. The amount of material covered is often daunting, and no topic is covered in enough detail to allow you to get used to the terminology. One of the largest problems is that many students want to succeed but have no idea how to approach the course. It is highly important for students who constantly need help with writing papers for academic purposes throughout the whole course. One of the first things I tell students is that biology courses should be considered and prepared for the same way you would use for a foreign language course.

How to Remember Biology Terminology

Consider the following tips for learning and remembering the many terms that are associated with the field of biology.

Write the words. Write them in your notes. Re-write your notes. Write them on note cards. Write them with definitions that you put into your own words. Simply transcribing word-for-word from the glossary in the back of your textbook is not going to reinforce the actual meaning of the word.

Speak the words. Say them out loud in class (If you have a professor that does not give opportunities for you to speak in class, you may want to suggest they do!). Say them to your study partner when you are reviewing the material. Say them to the wall in your room when no one else is there. Just say them.

Read the words. Biology textbooks have a lot of words in them. You need to find the parts that describe the specific term you are trying to understand and read that section. Highlighting an entire chapter in yellow is not going to help you remember any of the terms, but sifting through the text to find what you are looking for will.

Hear the words. First, you need to listen in class and try to hear what the professor is saying. Second, you might benefit from recording lectures and listening to them again at another time. Some MP3 players have a record feature that will allow you to do this.

Draw the words. Draw the structure, concept, or pathway that is being discussed, and be sure to include clear labeling. Many students are visual learners, and creating a picture of that term on a piece of paper may help with retention. If you feel you cannot draw, consider one of the biology coloring books widely available, or make a copy of figures out of your text and white out the labels so you can re-fill them.

Break down the words. Most biology terms are based on Latin or Greek root words. By breaking down words you can learn the parts of many terms at once. For example, “city” means “cell,” the term “leuko” means “white,” and hence the term “leukocyte” means “white cell”; a white blood cell to be specific. “Cyte” is also included in the names of many other cell types, including “osteocyte,” “erythrocyte” and “lymphocyte.”

Compare the words. Many of the words used in biology sound very similar, but mean very different things. Find the words that look or sound the same and find ways to remember why they are different. For example, glycogen and glucagon differ by only a few letters, but one is a storage molecule and the other is a hormone. The terms might even be discussed in the same chapter or lecture, as they are both related to regulating blood sugar levels, making them even more tricky when it is time to decide between the two on an exam. You could remember that glucagon releases glucose into the bloodstream, and has an “on” together like the word hormone.

Test the words. The best way to learn is through frequent testing of the material. Now, you do not want to wait until your final exam to try this idea. Take advantage of the multiple choice questions in your textbook, or use the website provided by the text to try out some quizzes. If the course you are taking does not provide any of these tools, create your own! Students must use critical thinking when processing the research on their own or asking someone to write my essay for me while considering biological concepts.  This is a very productive way to use your time with a study partner or group. Better yet, each of you prepares a test beforehand and brings it to your session. You can have fun deciding which of you would be the most challenging professor among you!

Succeeding in Your Biology Course

All of these methods may not work for everyone. Different people learn in different ways. Try a few, and if they don’t work, try a few more. One major tip for success is to practice these methods frequently during the course. An all-night cram session is not going to work for this kind of material. Many short review sessions will be much more productive.

12 Compelling Reasons Why Studying Biology Is the Right Choice for You

If you are pondering whether you should start a biology major or maybe you’re pondering whether to continue because it’s not what you expected, this post is addressed to you. And I hope that after reading it, the answer to both questions is a resounding YES!

Studying Biology

Let’s begin!

1. It’s your calling

If you think it is, then don’t hesitate to act on it! Do you want to buy a college essay or other papers all the time because you are disinterested in your major? Nothing is as satisfying as dedicating yourself to what you are passionate about. Nothing. So don’t miss this opportunity. I’ve always said I’d rather be poor but happy with what I do than rotten with money and bitter at my desk. Don’t miss this chance to achieve personal and professional happiness by doing what you love most. 

2. It changes the way you look at everything

Being a biologist is a way of life. It is the lens through which you end up filtering everything around you. Studying biology will change you on a very deep level, and you will learn to see the world through different eyes. And trust me, it’s an experience worth having. 

3. Biology has opportunities

You can work in more than just science, as a teacher, or as a government employee. There are many career options, and some are waiting for you to discover them. It only takes courage and imagination. Working for one of the best essay writing services, you can also help students with their biology assignments. Opportunities are waiting for you to discover them.

4. You contribute your grain of sand to universal knowledge

Like all sciences, it opens up the possibility of becoming part of a trove of knowledge that humanity has been collecting since time immemorial. It is unlikely (though possible) that you will make a remarkable discovery, but you will certainly contribute to the building of knowledge, either by adding a brick or by getting more people to visit it: scientists, teachers, disseminators, environmental educators… 

They all contribute to the dissemination of this knowledge. Even conversations between colleagues over a few beers can get someone else to come and learn a little more about this amazing world we live in.

5. Great travel opportunities

Few professions require such high mobility, both voluntary as part of your studies and mandatory as you have to emigrate to other countries to make a living. With all the consequences that entail. All the great travelers I have met have a powerful aura around them, a powerful magnetism. Their outlook on life, their understanding of it, and their attitude toward other people and the world are imbued with all the experiences gained during their travels. Wouldn’t you like to be one of them? 

6. It’s fascinating

In biology, it doesn’t matter what you study, it doesn’t matter what you work on. Whatever you do, you will enjoy it. Of course, it’s not a bed of roses; it requires a lot of sacrifices and some struggle. But if you finally find your way and follow it, I assure you, you will live it intensely (for better or for worse). Many biologists I know, even if they don’t work in biology, retain the passion and connection to nature and life that they acquired during their studies.

7. It is a journey of discovery

And by that, I don’t just mean scientific discoveries, but personal ones as well. This is a very challenging career and profession. Unless you are one of those rare and genius geniuses who show up from time to time, you will have to constantly put your best foot forward. 

It will force you to explore your limits and get to know yourself better. But you will also discover new areas of knowledge that you thought you would never be interested in. You will learn a lot about yourself, I guarantee it.

8. It’s a lot of fun

Biologists have a very specific idiosyncrasy. No matter what country or field you work in, there are always some common traits that are common to almost all of us (although there are exceptions). I can tell you that the best parties I’ve been to have always had biologists in attendance.

I don’t know what things are like at your university, but while I was studying, when I was getting my degree, whenever a lot of biologists gathered, it always ended with a few beers: with people from your science group, after a paper, after a conference, on a field trip… And I can assure you that I was with people of all ages and from all walks of life.

9. You will meet many people

As with any career, you will say. However, ours has many features that make networking in biology something fundamental. Much of the work you will do during and after your degree will have to be done in the company of other people. Collaboration is fundamental in the biological sciences: articles, conferences, research, or conservation projects… You always need a team. So try to choose the best.

10. You will discover wonderful spots you never saw before

Once you begin to familiarize yourself with the flora and fauna and begin to visually identify species without the help of guides, a whole new world opens up before you. It is when you walk down the street of your town or village that a whole new life unfolds before you. 

Where you once thought there were only house sparrows (Passer domesticus) or loons (Diplotaxis virgata), now a whole plethora of living creatures unfolds that previously went unnoticed before your astonished eyes. Then you learn about the little living paradises, those islands of nature amid civilization, which surround you and are waiting for you to find them.

11. It’s an adventure

As you may have heard. The job of a biologist is one of the most adventurous professions, in the most romantic sense of the word. Remote and inhospitable places, which can range from the most enclosed jungle to the icy expanses of Antarctica. Challenging situations, sometimes not without risk, to get the data you need. Adrenaline, discovery, excitement. If you really want it, you can try a little bit of all of them.

12. Direct contact with nature

What better way to be one with nature than to work as a biologist? You can work with the kinds of animals you like, from the most common to the most exotic. Plants or animals-you choose the path. Or even those creatures that straddle the blurry line between living and non-living, such as viruses or prions. From the largest to the smallest. From your lab or deep in the woods. To study life, you have to go where it is. What other contact can you ask for?

Final words

If it is not yet clear to you, perhaps this career is not for you. But if reading any of these reasons made you feel identified, making your heart beat faster, or made you smile, then don’t hesitate and act. Because biology must be lived, and how else can you study life?

Simple tips for writing a paper on aging biological changes

Nowadays, gerontological science attracts many researchers. There is still enough time to not worry about aging, whether you are young. For older people, biological and functional changes in their bodies are becoming crucial year by year as they influence their everyday lives.

The demand for exciting and actual articles and essays about aging is high as science moves toward new revolutionary inventions that prolong people’s lives. Students at colleges and universities who study specific disciplines also get assignments on a topic related to aging and biological changes. Being vast and complex, the subject may be embarrassing for those not very familiar with the actual problems of aging.

If you have some questions on how to write a paper on biological changes, there are several ways out of this situation. The easiest way is to ask your friend or family member with needed skills to help you out. Also, you can reach for the help of a teacher.

Another effective option is finding a reliable online site that helps students write papers. homework help service is an excellent example of a dependable site created and supported by solid specialists. Professional writing services aim to support students with essays, case studies, and other papers. You can order work on any topic, not only on aging biological changes and get many benefits from collaboration with proficient authors. The article below will provide several effective hacks on writing an excellent paper on aging from writers with experience. We recommend you read the tips we offer and apply them in practice.

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Aging Biological Changes

The Main Points Of Aging Are Biological Changes

Before we start informing you about the working hack on writing, go through the essential aspects of aging biological changes. The information below will suit anyone who will write an effective and actual paper on aging. By reading about the main points, you will prepare yourself for writing.


*Less calcium containment leads to losing bones density

*Bones become weaker

*Losing strength in bones often leads to osteoporosis.

Muscles and fat

*After 30, the amount of tissue and muscle strength starts decreasing.

*Levels of hormones decline with age and stop stimulating muscle growth.

*Aging reduces overall muscle mass by up to 15%.

*Physical inactivity speeds up the loss of muscle mass.

*The percentage of fat almost doubles by the age of 75.

*The risk of diabetes increases accordingly to fat and weight boosting.


*A genetic code programs the limit of a cell’s division.

*After a cell finish dividing, it grows bigger and after dies.

*With aging, cells start functioning worse.

Organs Aging With Biological Changes

*The number of cells in organs decreases with age.

*Some organs lose fewer cells than others if an elderly is healthy.

*Many organs have a functional reserve from birth, so many of their functions remain adequate with age.

*The kidneys, the heart and blood vessels, and the brain are more likely to be damaged with age because of stress. 

Define the type of a paper

The preparational stage of writing a good paper on aging biological changes must obligately include reading instructions (if any) and defining the type of a paper. For example, you might be assigned to write an article for a magazine, a blog post, or a college paper. Each type of task will differ on such points as word count, formatting, audience, tone of voice, and other vital aspects. If you are a student who needs to write a term paper or an essay, you might get manuals from a teacher and read them.

Choose a topic

Depending on the type of task, you may need to generate a topic by yourself or choose one from several offered cases. For example, you can write about changes in skin or bones, psychological aspects related to biological changes, etc. We recommend you select a topic that will excite you and make you desire to research the topic deeply. 

Collect information

Now, after you are happy and excited about the topic for your paper, start researching to gather actual data. Any paper will benefit from using various sources. Ensure to use only reliable databases and encyclopedias. One should get access to paid and closed online libraries for some topics. It would be best to include dissertations, scientific articles, interviews, official websites, laws, and other types of sources.

Create the main thesis

Once you have all the needed data collected, proceed with generating the central idea for your work. The main thesis is a summary of your core statement on the topic. Any paper must be built around one or two significant thoughts to be readable and exciting. Thus, it would be best to start with a presentation of the main thesis in the first part of the paper. While writing the body, remind the main thesis and add some approvals. When finalizing, restate the main thesis.

Outline a Biological change paper

One should structure a paper by adding some core elements. The structure will depend on the type of paper you are about to create. A standard college essay or a term paper contains an introduction, the body, and a conclusion. Following the concrete sequence of placing the paper’s elements will help make it logical and practical. When you transition between paragraphs, use cohesive words to connect your thoughts.

Reduce mistakes

After you finish writing a paper, leave it for some time and have some rest. You will be ready to proceed with the final essential stage of writing – proofreading. Ensure to read a paper several times, looking for errors and mistypes. Ensure you are okay with grammar and punctuation. Check the tone of voice and overall style of the text—double-check the names, dates, numbers, etc.


To master a meaningful and readable paper on aging biological changes, you need to start by defining the type of paper. The next crucial step is choosing a perfect topic that inspires you. The research stage will determine the quality of your paper and help to formulate an effective main thesis. The outlining stage will help you arrange your thoughts and make a paper convincing. Please, do not forget to proofread the text. We hope these tips were helpful! Good luck!

5 Golden Rules of Successful Biology Research

Successful Biology Research

Doing successful biology research is not as easy as it seems. There are 5 golden rules that you should always follow if you want to get the most out of your project. In this blog post, we will discuss these rules and provide some tips on how to implement them in your own work. So, whether you are just starting out in biology research or you have been doing it for years, be sure to read on!

Rule 1: Know Your Audience

When you’re doing research for a biology project, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. You’ll likely be presenting your findings to a teacher or classmates, so you’ll need to choose a topic that’s appropriate for their level of understanding. 

For example, if you’re researching for a high school biology class, you wouldn’t want to write about something too complex or controversial. However, if you’re doing research for a college biology class, you can feel free to explore more complicated topics. In general, it’s always a great idea to check with your teacher before starting your research to make sure you’re on the right track. By taking the time to understand your audience, you’ll be able to create a more successful biology research project.

Rule 2: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Asking for help is a natural part of the research process. No one knows everything, and even the most experienced biologists need assistance from time to time. If you’re thinking, should I pay someone to write my research paper? The answer is, it depends. Research paper writing can be very challenging. Without the right tools, you might end up disappointed with your result. If you’re afraid that might happen, then the best thing to do is buy a research paper online. You could search for ‘write my research paper’ on your favorite engine and set up an appointment with a writing specialist.

You could also consult with a professor or other expert in the field. If you don’t know anyone who specializes in biology, you can try reaching out to a librarian or searching for online resources. Another great way to get help is to ask fellow students who might be working on similar projects. No matter how you choose to get help, don’t be afraid to ask for it when you need it. Doing so will allow you to make the most of your research and produce the best possible results.

Learn the 5 Golden Rules for Successful Biology Research

Rule 3: Pick a Topic That You Are Passionate About

When it comes to research, picking a topic that you’re passionate about can make all the difference. Not only will you be more likely to enjoy the process of research, but you’ll also be more likely to stick with it even when the going gets tough. And trust me, there will be tough times. There will be days when you feel like you’re getting nowhere when all your hard work seems to be for nothing. 

But if you care about your topic, if you’re invested in finding out the answer to your question, then you’ll keep going. You’ll find a way to push through the difficult times and come out on the other side with new knowledge and a sense of accomplishment. So if you’re thinking about starting a research project, ask yourself: what is a topic that I’m passionate about? Once you have your answer, you’ll be one step closer to success.

Rule 4: Do Your Research

When you’re doing biology research, it’s important to do your research. That may sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people skimp on this step. They’ll read a few books or articles, maybe talk to a few experts, and then start writing. The problem is that they haven’t really taken the time to understand the topic inside and out. As a result, their work is often inaccurate or incompetent. 

So if you’re serious about doing great, successful biology research, take the time to immerse yourself in the literature. Read everything you can get your hands on. Talk to as many experts as possible. And only when you have a thorough understanding of the topic should you start writing.

Rule 5: Stay Organized and Keep Track of Your Progress

As a biology researcher, it’s also important to stay organized and keep track of your progress. That way, you can avoid duplication of effort and make sure that you’re making the best use of your time. There are a few different ways to do this. First, make sure to keep records of your experiments. Note down what you did, the results you receive, and any observations you made. 

Second, create a project plan that outlines the steps you need to take to complete your research. This will help you stay on track and identify any potential problems early on. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help online, from your supervisor or colleagues. They can offer valuable insights and feedback that can help improve the quality of your work!