
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true ' + 'or false.

'; instructionText[1] = '

Complete each sentence or ' + 'statement.

'; instructionIndex[0] = 0; instructionIndex[1] = 10; numberText[0] = '1.'; questionText[0] = '

All organisms ' + 'require energy to carry out life processes.

'; answerText[0] = '


'; numberText[1] = '2.'; questionText[1] = '

Animals that live exclusively on a diet of other animals are unable to use ' + 'carbohydrates to fuel their life processes.

'; answerText[1] = '


'; numberText[2] = '3.'; questionText[2] = '

When light ' + 'hits a plant, all of the wavelengths are absorbed and used to make sugar.

'; answerText[2] = '


'; numberText[3] = '4.'; questionText[3] = '

A series of ' + 'linked chemical reactions in which the product of one chemical reaction serves as the reactant in the ' + 'next reaction is called a biochemical pathway.

'; answerText[3] = '


'; numberText[4] = '5.'; questionText[4] = '

An autotroph ' + 'is able to make its own organic molecules from inorganic materials and energy.

'; answerText[4] = '


'; numberText[5] = '6.'; questionText[5] = '

The major light-absorbing ' + 'pigment in plants is chlorophyll.

'; answerText[5] = '


'; numberText[6] = '7.'; questionText[6] = '

Plant cells ' + 'use light to make ATP and NADPH.

'; answerText[6] = '


'; numberText[7] = '8.'; questionText[7] = '

The “light ' + 'reactions” of photosynthesis can occur only under light conditions, and the “dark ' + 'reactions” occur only during the dark hours.

'; answerText[7] = '


'; numberText[8] = '9.'; questionText[8] = '

The final product ' + 'of photosynthesis is not actually glucose.

'; answerText[8] = '


'; numberText[9] = '10.'; questionText[9] = '

C4 and CAM plants use less water to produce the same amount of ' + 'carbohydrate as C3 plants.

'; answerText[9] = '


'; numberText[10] = '11.'; questionText[10] = '

Stacks of thylakoids, ' + 'called ____________________, are found suspended in the stroma of chloroplasts.

'; answerText[10] = '


'; numberText[11] = '12.'; questionText[11] = '

A pigment that ' + 'absorbs primarily red and blue photons of light for photosynthesis is called ____________________, ' + 'while pigments that absorb other wavelengths and appear yellow and orange are called ' + '____________________.

'; answerText[11] = '

chlorophyll; carotenoids

'; numberText[12] = '13.'; questionText[12] = '

Organisms that harvest energy from either sunlight or chemicals in order to make food ' + 'molecules are called ____________________.

'; answerText[12] = '


'; numberText[13] = '14.'; questionText[13] = '

The main pigment ' + 'associated with the two photosystems is ____________________.

'; answerText[13] = '


'; numberText[14] = '15.'; questionText[14] = '

In the electron ' + 'transport chain of photosynthesis, electrons travel from molecule to molecule as part of a(n) ' + '____________________ atom.

'; answerText[14] = '


'; numberText[15] = '16.'; questionText[15] = '

The abundance ' + 'of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere is a result of ____________________.

'; answerText[15] = '


'; numberText[16] = '17.'; questionText[16] = '

Chemiosmosis results in the release of ____________________.

'; answerText[16] = '


'; numberText[17] = '18.'; questionText[17] = '

The third stage ' + 'of photosynthesis, in which glucose is manufactured, is called the ' + '____________________.

'; answerText[17] = '

Calvin cycle

'; numberText[18] = '19.'; questionText[18] = '

The scientist ' + 'who determined the sequence of steps in the light-independent reactions was ' + '____________________.

'; answerText[18] = '

Melvin Calvin

'; numberText[19] = '20.'; questionText[19] = '

The ____________________ ' + 'plants have an enzyme that is more efficient at fixing CO2 than is the ' + 'enzyme that accomplishes this in ____________________.

'; answerText[19] = '

C4; C3

'; studentName = StripSpaces(f.student_name.value); FixMTF(f); index = 0; for (i=0; i < f.length; ++i) { if (f.elements[i].name.indexOf(":") > 0) { text = StripSpaces(GetResponse(index, f.elements[i])); if (text.length == 0) ++numBlank; ++index; } } if (studentName == "") { alert("Student name cannot be blank."); return(false); } if (numBlank > 0) { if (numBlank == 1) msg = "1 question"; else msg = numBlank + " questions"; if (!confirm("You have not answered " + msg + " Are you sure you want to end the test?")) return(false); } index = 0; for (i=0; i < f.length; ++i) { if (f.elements[i].name.indexOf(":") > 0) { text = GetResponse(index, f.elements[i]); if (ansMap[index] == "") { prefixText[index] = ""; ++numSubjective; } else { isCorrect = ScoreAnswer(index, text); if (isCorrect) ++numCorrect; ++numPossible; prefixText[index] = BuildPrefixText(index, text, isCorrect); } responseText[index] = TranslateHtmlString(text); ++index; } } if (showNotes) { for (i=0; i < numQuestions; ++i) { if (qtypeMap.charAt(i) == "2") notesText[i] = FixMCNotes(notesText[i], responseText[i]); } } if (numPossible > 0) scorePercent = Math.round(100.0 * numCorrect / numPossible); else scorePercent = 0; studentName = TranslateHtmlString(studentName); document.writeln("n"); document.writeln("" + titleString + ""); document.writeln("

n"); document.writeln(""); document.writeln("Name: " + studentName + "
"); document.write("Score: " + numCorrect + " / " + numPossible + " (" + scorePercent + "%)"); if (numSubjective > 0) { document.write("     [" + numSubjective + " subjective "); if (numSubjective == 1) document.write("question"); else document.write("questions"); document.write(" not graded]"); } document.writeln(" "); document.writeln("

" + titleString + "

"); document.writeln("

"); currentInstruction = 0; currentNarrative = 0; for (i=0; i < numQuestions; ++i) { if (currentInstruction < numInstructions) { if (instructionIndex[currentInstruction] == i) { document.writeln("

"); ++currentInstruction; } } if (currentNarrative < numNarratives) { if (narrativeIndex[currentNarrative] == i) { document.writeln("

"); ++currentNarrative; } } document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); } document.writeln("

"); document.writeln(instructionText[currentInstruction]); document.writeln("


"); document.writeln("

"); document.writeln(narrativeText[currentNarrative]); document.writeln("


"); document.writeln("

" + prefixText[i] + "

" + numberText[i] + " 

" + questionText[i]); document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); if (listMap.charAt(i) != "1") { document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); } document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); if (showNotes) { document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); } if (showRef) { document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); } document.writeln("


" + responseText[i] + "


" + answerText[i] + "


" + notesText[i] + "


" + refText[i] + "

"); document.writeln("


"); document.writeln("
"); document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); document.write("

"); document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("Retake Test"); document.write(""); document.writeln("Help"); document.writeln("

"); document.writeln(""); document.writeln(""); document.close(); return(false); } function GetResponse(answerIndex, answer) { var listIndex; var responseText; if (listMap.charAt(answerIndex) == "1") { listIndex = answer.selectedIndex; responseText = answer.options[listIndex].text; } else responseText = answer.value; return(responseText); } function ScoreAnswer(answerIndex, responseText) { var listIndex; var answerText; answerText = ansMap[answerIndex]; if (qtypeMap.charAt(answerIndex) == "4") return(NumericCompare(responseText, answerText)); else if (qtypeMap.charAt(answerIndex) == "5") return(MultiCompare(responseText, answerText)); else if (responseText.toUpperCase() == answerText.toUpperCase()) return(true); else return(false); } function BuildPrefixText(answerIndex, responseText, isCorrect) { var text; var listIndex; text = "

"  		if (isCorrect)  			text += ""  		else  			text += ""    		if (listMap.charAt(answerIndex) == "1") {  			if (responseText.length == 0)  				responseText = " ";  			text += " " + responseText + " ";  		}    		text += "

" return(text); } function StripSpaces(s) { var len; var i; len = s.length; for (i=len - 1; i >= 0 && s.charAt(i) == " "; --i) len = i; if (len == 0) s = ""; else if (len != s.length) s = s.substring(0, len); return(s); } function TranslateHtmlString(text) { var newText; var replaceString; var position; var length; var breakPos; var skipExtra; var i; newText = ""; position = 0; length = text.length; while (position < length) { skipExtra = 0; breakPos = -1; for (i=position; i < length && breakPos < 0; ++i) { switch(text.charAt(i)) { case '>': replaceString = ">"; breakPos = i; break; case '<': replaceString = "<"; breakPos = i; break; case '&': replaceString = "&"; breakPos = i; break; case 'r': if ((i + 1) < length && text.charAt(i + 1) == 'n') skipExtra = 1; replaceString = "
"; breakPos = i; break; case 'n': replaceString = "
"; breakPos = i; break; case ' ': if ((i + 1 < length) && text.charAt(i + 1) == ' ') { replaceString = " "; breakPos = i; } break; } } if (breakPos < 0) { newText += text.substring(position, length); position = length; } else { if (breakPos > position) newText += text.substring(position, breakPos); newText += replaceString; position = breakPos + 1 + skipExtra; } } return(newText); } function FixMCNotes(notesText, studentText) { var displayText; var searchText; var upperNotes; var charCode; var startIndex; var endIndex; displayText = ""; if (studentText.length > 0 && notesText.length > 0) { upperNotes = notesText.toUpperCase(); studentText = studentText.toUpperCase(); charCode = studentText.charCodeAt(0); searchText = "/" + String.fromCharCode(charCode) + "/"; startIndex = upperNotes.indexOf(searchText); if (startIndex >= 0) { startIndex += searchText.length; searchText = "/" + String.fromCharCode(charCode + 1) + "/"; endIndex = upperNotes.indexOf(searchText, startIndex); if (endIndex < startIndex) endIndex = notesText.length; displayText = notesText.substring(startIndex, endIndex); } else if (notesText.charAt(0) != "/") displayText = notesText; } return(displayText); } function NumericCompare(s1, s2) { var s1Sign; var s2Sign; var tempString; var decimalCount; var decimalPos; var numToDelete; var len; var ch; var i; s1.toUpperCase(); s2.toUpperCase(); if (s1 == s2) return(true); else { s1Sign = 1; s2Sign = 1; tempString = ""; for (i=0; i < s1.length; ++i) { ch = s1.charAt(i); if (ch == "-" && tempString.length == 0) s1Sign = -1; else if ((ch >= "0" && ch <= "9") || ch == ".") tempString += ch; } s1 = tempString; decimalCount = 0; decimalPos = -1; for (i=0; i < s1.length; ++i) { if (s1.charAt(i) == '.') { ++decimalCount; if (decimalPos < 0) decimalPos = i; } } if (decimalCount == 1 && decimalPos >= 0) { len = s1.length; for (i=len - 1; i >= decimalPos; --i) { if (i == decimalPos || s1.charAt(i) == '0') len = i; else break; } if (len < s1.length) s1 = s1.substring(0, len); if (s1.length == 0) s1 = "0"; } numToDelete = 0; for (i=0; i < s1.length; ++i) { if (s1.charAt(i) == "0") ++numToDelete; else break; } if (numToDelete > 0) { if (numToDelete == s1.length) --numToDelete; if (numToDelete > 0) s1 = s1.substring(numToDelete); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// tempString = ""; for (i=0; i < s2.length; ++i) { ch = s2.charAt(i); if (ch == "-" && tempString.length == 0) s2Sign = -1; else if ((ch >= "0" && ch <= "9") || ch == ".") tempString += ch; } s2 = tempString; decimalCount = 0; decimalPos = -1; for (i=0; i < s2.length; ++i) { if (s2.charAt(i) == '.') { ++decimalCount; if (decimalPos < 0) decimalPos = i; } } if (decimalCount == 1 && decimalPos >= 0) { len = s2.length; for (i=len - 1; i >= decimalPos; --i) { if (i == decimalPos || s2.charAt(i) == '0') len = i; else break; } if (len < s2.length) s2 = s2.substring(0, len); if (s2.length == 0) s2 = "0"; } numToDelete = 0; for (i=0; i < s2.length; ++i) { if (s2.charAt(i) == "0") ++numToDelete; else break; } if (numToDelete > 0) { if (numToDelete == s2.length) --numToDelete; if (numToDelete > 0) s2 = s2.substring(numToDelete); } if (s1Sign == s2Sign && s1 == s2) return(true); } return(false); } function MultiCompare(responseText, answerText) { var startIndex; var endIndex; var partialText; responseText = responseText.toUpperCase(); answerText = answerText.toUpperCase(); startIndex = 0; do { endIndex = answerText.indexOf("r", startIndex); if (endIndex < 0) partialText = answerText.substring(startIndex); else partialText = answerText.substring(startIndex, endIndex); if (responseText == partialText) return(true); startIndex = endIndex + 1; } while (endIndex > 0); return(false); } function FixMTF(f) { var text; var letter; var theList; var listIndex; var number; var i; for (i=0; i < f.length; ++i) { if (f.elements[i].name.indexOf("MTF:") == 0) { number = parseInt(f.elements[i].name.substring(4), 10); theList = f["MTF-" + number + "-1"]; if (theList) { listIndex = theList.selectedIndex; letter = theList.options[listIndex].text; } else letter = ""; text = StripSpaces(f["MTF-" + number + "-2"].value); if (text == "") f.elements[i].value = letter; else f.elements[i].value = letter + "," + text; } } } function AllowReset() { return(window.confirm("Do you want to clear all of your answers?")); } // -->





Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.
All organisms require energy to carry out life processes.
Animals that live exclusively on a diet of other animals are unable to use carbohydrates to fuel their life processes.
When light hits a plant, all of the wavelengths are absorbed and used to make sugar.
A series of linked chemical reactions in which the product of one chemical reaction serves as the reactant in the next reaction is called a biochemical pathway.
An autotroph is able to make its own organic molecules from inorganic materials and energy.
The major light-absorbing pigment in plants is chlorophyll.
Plant cells use light to make ATP and NADPH.
The “light reactions” of photosynthesis can occur only under light conditions, and the “dark reactions” occur only during the dark hours.
The final product of photosynthesis is not actually glucose.
C4 and CAM plants use less water to produce the same amount of carbohydrate as C3 plants.

Complete each sentence or statement.
Stacks of thylakoids, called ____________________, are found suspended in the stroma of chloroplasts.

A pigment that absorbs primarily red and blue photons of light for photosynthesis is called ____________________, while pigments that absorb other wavelengths and appear yellow and orange are called ____________________.

Organisms that harvest energy from either sunlight or chemicals in order to make food molecules are called ____________________.

The main pigment associated with the two photosystems is ____________________.

In the electron transport chain of photosynthesis, electrons travel from molecule to molecule as part of a(n) ____________________ atom.

The abundance of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere is a result of ____________________.

Chemiosmosis results in the release of ____________________.

The third stage of photosynthesis, in which glucose is manufactured, is called the ____________________.

The scientist who determined the sequence of steps in the light-independent reactions was ____________________.

The ____________________ plants have an enzyme that is more efficient at fixing CO2 than is the enzyme that accomplishes this in ____________________.

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