- Interactive Periodic Table – Lots of information about every element including atomic orbitals and constants.
- Atomic Orbitals from About.com – You choose the orbitals and this site will create a 3-D illustration of the atom.
- Chemical Experiments – Add interest to your lecture with these popular demonstrations. Most include a video of the demonstration.
- Videos of Physical Science Demonstrations – Covers Everything!
- Fear of Physics – This is a terrific site. Students can explore physical concepts such as speed, acceleration, and momentum in a very interactive manner. Most topics have animations.
- Chem4Kids – Kids learn about atoms and chemistry in a language they can understand and enjoy. Covers topics such as atoms, bonding, etc.
- Web Elements – Great Interactive Periodic Table complete with electron configurations, orbital diagrams, physical constants, pictures and uses of the elements, and much, much more. Strongly recommended!!!
- Simple Machines – Simple experiments with simple machines
- States of Matter – A website that demonstrates the molecular motion of solids, liquids, and gases. Uses Flash.
- Electricity and Magnetism – Great site to not only learn about these two concepts, but to also explore their applications.
- Extreme Science – Cool site with videos and fantastic photos!
- Try Science – Interactive site for science experiments, field trips, and other science adventures! You’re students will love to “try science” with this site.
- Exploratorium – Your students will be making “sound sandwiches”, “ice balloons”, and much more with this hands-on website.
- Electromagnetic Spectrum – Wonderful site from NASA for understanding the various types of radiation. Includes an educator’s section and student activities.
- Physics 2000 – Enjoy labs and activities on Science Trek, The Atomic Lab, and much more!
- Energy Quest – An award-winning, interactive energy education website of the California Energy Commission. I love this one!
- Fizzics Frizzle! – A great site for even the beginner to learn physics
- Bang! Boing! Pop! – An interactive physics tutor with great lessons and quizzes.
- The Science of Light – Everything your students want to know about light and color.
| - Discovery Channel – This is a great site for science videos and activities for students. Answer questions like, “Do robots have rights?”
- Metric Converter – Need to show students a quick way to convert in metric? This is an easy to use online converter.
- Fun Brain – Play “Proton Don” or some of the other interactive games in math and science.
- International System of Measurement – Great introduction to SI or metrics.
- Simple Machines – Have your students read about the types of simple machines and then take an online quiz over gadget anatomy.
- Soundry– an exciting, interactive, and educational web site about sound by ThinkQuest
- First Science – Great Interactive games for students!
- Mad Science – The lab that never sleeps! Find the answers to all those crazy questions about science.
- The WHY Files – This site helps your students understand the science behind the current news
- The ATOM’S Family – Your students will have fun with the Mummy’s Tomb and Dracula Library!
- Amusement Park Physics – Your students will feel like they just boarded a roller coaster with hairpin turns with this great site!
- Chemistry Outreach 2000 – This site has PowerPoints and video demonstrations of experiments that grab students attention like exploding powders and collapsing cans. There are even quizzes over the demos!
- Yuckiest Site on the Internet! – This site is loads of fun for don’t get grossed out with science.
- Optics for Kids! – Students learn about light, lenses, and lasers on this site.
- Physical Science Activity Manual – Great physical science activities your students can do or you can demonstrate. The pdf works best!
- CHEMystery! – an interactive guide for high school chemistry students by ThinkQuest
- Interactive Science Teacher – Provides lots of already made lessons with handouts and PowerPoints. Why re-invent the wheel!
- NOVA – This site has great video lessons on physical science such as “Ethanol Biofuels” and “Inside a Solar Cell.” New site for teachers.