Chemistry Quiz
'; instructionText[1] = '
'; instructionIndex[0] = 0; instructionIndex[1] = 10; narrativeText[0] = '
'; narrativeIndex[0] = 16; numberText[0] = '1.'; questionText[0] = '
'; answerText[0] = '
'; numberText[1] = '2.'; questionText[1] = '
'; answerText[1] = '
'; numberText[2] = '3.'; questionText[2] = '
'; answerText[2] = '
'; numberText[3] = '4.'; questionText[3] = '
'; answerText[3] = '
'; numberText[4] = '5.'; questionText[4] = '
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'; numberText[5] = '6.'; questionText[5] = '
'; answerText[5] = '
'; numberText[6] = '7.'; questionText[6] = '
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'; numberText[7] = '8.'; questionText[7] = '
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'; numberText[8] = '9.'; questionText[8] = '
'; answerText[8] = '
'; numberText[9] = '10.'; questionText[9] = '
'; answerText[9] = '
'; numberText[10] = '11.'; questionText[10] = '
a. | a carbon molecule. | c. | a carbon atom. |
b. | a carbon macromolecule. | d. | an element. |
'; answerText[10] = '
'; numberText[11] = '12.'; questionText[11] = '
a. | hydrogen bond. | c. | covalent bond. |
b. | nonpolar bond. | d. | water bond. |
'; answerText[11] = '
'; numberText[12] = '13.'; questionText[12] = '
a. | results in ion formation. |
b. | occurs in covalent bonds. |
c. | only occurs if both are atoms of the same ' + 'element. |
d. | is found only ' + 'among carbon atoms. |
'; answerText[12] = '
'; numberText[13] = '14.'; questionText[13] = '
a. | molecule. | c. | ion. |
b. | nucleon. | d. | element. |
'; answerText[13] = '
'; numberText[14] = '15.'; questionText[14] = '
a. | Atoms held together by ionic bonds separate when placed in water while ' + 'atoms held together by covalent bonds do not separate in water. |
b. | Ionic bonds hold together atoms of two different types, while covalent ' + 'bonds hold together atoms of the same type. |
c. | Electrons are exchanged between atoms held together by an ionic bond, ' + 'but they are shared between atoms held together by a covalent bond. |
d. | Ionic bonds form between atoms that carry opposite charges, while ' + 'covalent bonds form between uncharged atoms. |
'; answerText[14] = '
'; numberText[15] = '16.'; questionText[15] = '
a. | an endergonic reaction. | c. | a filamentous reaction. |
b. | an exergonic reaction. | d. | impossible. |
'; answerText[15] = '
'; numberText[16] = '17.'; questionText[16] = '
a. | is an energy-storing reaction. |
b. | requires a greater activation energy than Reaction ' + '“2.” |
c. | may use the same ' + 'initial reactant condition needed to form Product “B.” |
d. | All of the above |
'; answerText[16] = '
'; numberText[17] = '18.'; questionText[17] = '
a. | Reaction “2” occurs faster than Reaction “3” ' + 'because Reaction “2” requires more energy than Reaction ' + '“3.” |
b. | The difference in ' + 'the graphs shown for Reaction “2” and Reaction “3” is due to a difference in the ' + 'activation energy needed for these reactions. |
c. | Reactant “A” contains more energy at the beginning of the ' + 'reaction than Product “C” has after the reaction. |
d. | All of the above |
'; answerText[17] = '
'; numberText[18] = '19.'; questionText[18] = '
a. | is a violation of the laws of nature. |
b. | requires higher temperatures than those found within ' + 'cells. |
c. | occurs only when ' + 'reactants are quickly added to the reaction mixture. |
d. | is accomplished by the action of catalysts on ' + 'reactants. |
'; answerText[18] = '
'; numberText[19] = '20.'; questionText[19] = '
a. | allow the passage of energy from molecule to ' + 'molecule. |
b. | prevent nuclear ' + 'reactions from occurring. |
c. | allow the creation and destruction of energy. |
d. | None of the above; oxidation-reduction reactions do not occur in living ' + 'organisms. |
'; answerText[19] = '
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Name: Chemistry Quiz |
True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. | ||||||||||
1. | The types of particles that are located in the nucleus of an atom are protons and neutrons, and the types of particles that are located in the energy levels surrounding the nucleus are electrons. | |||||||||
2. | The atomic number of carbon is 6, so it must contain 12 electrons. | |||||||||
3. | Most elements are stable if their outermost energy level contains an even number of electrons. | |||||||||
4. | Atoms in a gas move more rapidly than atoms in a liquid or a solid do. | |||||||||
5. | The products of an endergonic chemical reaction possess more energy than the reactants from which they are produced. | |||||||||
6. | The amount of energy needed to cause a chemical reaction to start is called activation energy. | |||||||||
7. | When an enzyme binds with its substrate, the activation energy needed for the chemical reaction to occur is raised. | |||||||||
8. | Enzymes speed up a chemical reaction by increasing the activation energy of the reaction. | |||||||||
9. | Free hydrogen ions can react with water molecules and form a positively charged ion, the hydronium ion. | |||||||||
10. | Buffers can neutralize acids, but they do not affect bases. | |||||||||
Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. | ||||||||||
11. | The smallest particle of matter that can retain the chemical properties of carbon is
| |||||||||
12. | The bond formed when two atoms share a pair of electrons is called a
| |||||||||
13. | Sharing of electrons in the outer energy levels of two atoms
| |||||||||
14. | An atom that has gained or lost electrons is called a(n)
| |||||||||
15. | Which of the following statements most accurately describes the difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond?
| |||||||||
16. | A reaction in which the products have less energy than the reactants is
| |||||||||
17. | Refer to the graph above. Reaction “1” in the graph
| |||||||||
18. | Refer to the graph above. Which of these statements is true regarding the graph?
| |||||||||
19. | Changing the course or pathway of a chemical reaction so that it requires less activation energy
| |||||||||
20. | Oxidation-reduction reactions are important in organisms because they