Graph Example Quiz

%CODE1% Line Graphs Quiz

Click on the radio buttons in front of the correct answers to the questions.

Line Graph of Temperatures

1. This graph shows the temperatures during the period of a

Week Month Year

2. The temperatures in the beginning of the week were rising or falling?

Rising Falling

3. There was the least amount of change between days

6 and 7

5 and 6

1 and two

4. If freezing is 32 degrees, which day was above freezing?

Day 1

Day 2

Day 4

5. When was the greatest drop in temperatures between?

Days 1 and 2

Days 3 and 4

Days 4 and 5


Click on the radio buttons in front of the correct answers to the questions about the graph.

Bar Graph

1. In the bar graph above, students favorite activity is

Using the computer

Visitng with friends

Earning money

2. According to the bar graph which is the least favorite after school activity?

Using on the computer

Visitng with friends

Earning money

3. Which two activities are favored by an equal number of students?

Playing sports and earning money

Using the computer and earning money

Talking on the phone and playing sports.

4. How many students said they their favorite after school activity is playing sports?

100 120 140

5. Based on this survey would you say more students like to be around people or be alone after school?

Be alone Be around people

Circle/Pie Graph Quiz

Click on the radio buttons in front of the correct answers to the questions.

Chart of Day's Activities

1. A part of a circle/pie graph that explains the colors that represent each part or slice of the graph is a

legend grid axis

2. These two activities took up half of the time of the day.

Entertainment and school

Meals and school

Sleep and school

3. These two activities took up the least amount of time.

Sleep and school

Meals and homework

Sleep and job

4. Which of these took up one fourth of the day?




5. What percent of the day does homework take up?

2 8 25

6. Which of these takes up the same amount of time as meals and entertainment together?


