Introduction to Animals Worksheet

Introduction to Animals Worksheet

Circle the correct response.

1. Animals are [ heterotrophs / autotrophs ]

2. [ All / Most ] animals are multicellular.

3. The cells in the skin of your hand are [ bigger than / the same size as ] the cells in your heart.

4. Organisms that have 2 copies of each chromosome are [mobile / diploid ]

5. The absence of a cell wall allows animals [ mobility / diploidy ]

6. A hollow ball of cells that forms after fertilization is called a [ blastula / mesoderm ]

7. In all animals except [ humans / sponges ] a zygote undergoes divisions to become a blastula.

8. The cells of animals are organized into functional units called [ blastula / tissues ]



9. ______ Ectoderm a. lining of the digestive tract, digestive organs


10. ______ Mesoderm b. outer layer of skin and sense organs


11. ______ Endoderm c. most of the skeleton, muscles Match the body plan to its description
12. ______ radial d. body that is irregular shaped


13. ______ bilateral e. has a distinct right and left half


14. ______asymmetry f. body parts arranged around a central axis, like the spokes of a bicycle wheel



What symmetry do these animals have?

15. ______________

16. ____________________  

17. Segmented animals are constructed from a series of repeating units called [segments /vertebrates]

18. Evidence of segmentation in human beings can be seen in the [ skin / backbone ]

Match the name of the Phylum to the organism:


a. vertebrates

b. segmented worms

c. flatworms

d. jellyfish

e. sea stars

f. sponges

g. clams

h. roundworms

i. insects

19. _____ Cnidaria

20. ______ Mollusca

21. _____ Annelida

22. _____ Chordata

23. ______Nematoda

24. ______Platyhelminthes

25. ______ Porifera

26. ______Arthopoda

27. ______Echinodermata




Animal Body Systems

For each term below, indicate what body system it relates to. Body Systems


28. Gastrovascular Cavity ___________________________

29. Ganglia ____________________________

30. Hermaphrodite ____________________________

31. Blood vessels ____________________________

32. Exoskeleton ____________________________

33. Gills

34. Anus

35. Nerve Net ____________________________

36. Hydrostatic ____________________________

37. Gametes ____________________________

38. Flame cells

39. radula

40. trachea & spiracles




Support (skeletal)







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