Mollusk & Annelid Study Guide
Be able to answer these questions:
- Name the kingdom for mollusks & annelids.
- What is the oldest part of a bivalves shell called?
- What muscles open & close a bivalves shell?
- What tissue surrounds & protects the soft body of mollusks?
- What is the larval stage of mollusks called & describe it?
- What structure enables a squid to move by jet propulsion?
- What are the external segments of an earthworm’s body called?
- Name the internal shell of a squid.
- How do earthworms breathe?
- Earthworms are hermaphrodites. What does this mean?
- What type of symmetry do annelids & mollusks have?
- What are the respiratory organs of aquatic mollusks & annelids called?
- What are aortic arches & what organism has them?
- What type of circulatory system do mollusks & annelids have?
- What is the tongue-like structure called that snails use to scrap algae?
- What is the “lip” of an earthworm called & how is it used?
- Name the muscular organ used by mollusks for movement.
- Name several examples of bivalve mollusks.
- Give an example of a univalve mollusk.
- Give an example of a marine, shelled cephalopod mollusk.
- What is the area of a mollusk’s body called that contains most of the body organs?
Know the class for each of the following mollusks & annelids:
- clams & scallops
- snails & slugs
- clam worms
- chitons
- squid & octopus
- leeches
- earthworms
Be able to label these internal parts of a clam:
- heart
- gills
- anus
- adductor muscles
- incurrent siphon
Be able to recognize pictures of these mollusks & annelids:
- clam
- snail
- lugworm
- leech
- earthworm
- chiton
- squid
- octopus