Photosynthesis Study Guide BI



Photosynthesis Study Guide


Give several examples of life processes that require energy.
What is the major light absorbing pigment in plants?
What two things are formed by plants when carbon dioxide & water are combined using sunlight as the energy?
Clusters of light absorbing pigments located in the thylakoid membranes of a chloroplast are called what?
Do all organisms require energy?
Are all wavelengths of sunlight absorbed by a plant to make sugar? Explain. 
Only ___________, not heterotrophs, carry on photosynthesis.
When the products of one chemical reaction are used as the reactants for the next reaction, the series of reactions is known as a ___________________ pathway.
Plants cells use light to make what two energy carrying molecules?
What sugar is the final product of photosynthesis?
Electrons are transported from one molecule to another by __________ atoms.
Can the dark reactions of photosynthesis occur during the daytime or only in the dark?
C4 and CAM plants use less water to make sugar than __________ plants.
How do heterotrophs obtain their energy?
What is the original source of energy for all living things on earth?
Stacks of thylakoids called grana are suspended in the fluid inside chloroplasts called __________.
Light travels to plants as tiny packets of radiant energy called _________.
Chlorophyll of plants looks green because green light is ______________ to your eye.
What happens to the electrons of chlorophyll when they are stuck by sunlight?
What gas is put back into our atmosphere by photosynthesis?
Complex carbohydrates are made during what cycle during photosynthesis?
What pigments give flower petals their colors?
Electrons raised to a higher energy level when struck by light enter what chain?
What important energy carrier molecule in photosynthesis picks up hydrogen atoms?
Oxygen made during photosynthesis comes from the splitting of what molecule?