Taxonomy Review | ![]() |
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions below as completely and as thoroughly as possible. Answer the question in essay form (not outline form), using complete sentences. You may use diagrams to supplement your answers, but a diagram alone without appropriate discussion is inadequate.
1. Describe one way in which embryos of vertebrates and echinoderms are fundamentally different from the embryos of other orders.
2. What are the six kingdoms recognized today? What do plants and fungi have in common with animals?
3. What is Taxonomy?
4. Compare and Contrast Aristotle’s system of classification with that of Linnaeus.
5. The kingdom Protista includes a wide variety of organisms that are more distantly related to each other than plants are to animals. Why are they grouped together in one kingdom?
6. What criterion do modern taxonomists use to classify organisms?
7. What is cladistics and What is it use for? How do we show these relationships?
8. What is systematic taxonomy, and what kinds of data are used by systematic taxonomist?
9. Why do protests, fungi, plants, and animals share a domain in the six-kingdom system?
10. Explain how embryological evidence helps to define phylogeny.
11. Explain how we name a species and what this process is called. Give or use an example in your answer. Why are species names important is scientific work?
12. List the levels of Classification developed by Linnaeus, from the broadest category to the most specific. What is the difference between a subspecies and a variety?
13. Define the term phylogenic tree. What is a phylogenic tree? What does is show and represent?
14. Compare and Contrast the six-kingdom system with the three-domain system. What evidence prompted the development of the three-domain system? What are the three domains?
Be able to identify organisms using a dichotomous key!