Protists Quiz %CODE1% Simple ProtistsPlant-like protists are collectively called: protozoans algae diatoms pseudopodiaWhere would you find a paramecium? in quiet ponds in the human body in dirt on leavesWhich of the following moves using pseudopodia? paramecium euglena diatoms amebaWhich of the following is unicellular and heterotrophic? ameba paramecium algae both ameba & parameciumThe word “pseudopodia” means: small cell fake eye false foot first animal Identify the organism pictured above. ameba paramecium euglena diatomWhich organelle functions to remove excess water? micronucleus contractile vacuole pellicle gulletThe ameba reproduces by: fusion endocytosis binary fission conjugationThe paramecium belongs to the Kingdom ____ and the Phylum _____ Ciliphora, Protista Protista, Ciliophora Protozoa, Protista Animalia, ProtistaWhich of the following is autotrophic? paramecium foraminifera ameba euglena Score = Correct answers: