Bacteria |
4. bacteria that require oxygen
6. stain used to dye bacteria so they can be classified
10. example of a photsynthetic, cyanobacterium that causes eutrophication 12. number of chromosomes in bacteria
14. rod shaped bacteria
19. bacteria living in very salty environments
20. corkscrew shaped bacteria that may cause disease such as syphillis
22. example of an enteric bacteria living in the human intestines
27. bacteria that live in very hot, acid environments such as hot springs
28. bacteria that gram stain purple
30. live in swamps and in sewage and produce methane gas
31. long whip-like tails for movement in some bacteria
32. term used to refer to most bacteria
34. prefix used when bacteria grow in chains
36. process where two bacteria join and exchange genetic material
38. found in the cell walls of archaebacteria
1. dormant stage of gram negative bacteria to help them survive harsh environments
2. bacteria that can carry on photosynthesis
3. bacteria that do not need oxygen
5. organisms without a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
7. kingdom containing more ancient bacteria
8. short hairs on the cell wall of some bacteria for attachment
9. bacteria that feed on dead and decaying material
11. spherical shaped bacteria 13. kingdom containing most bacteria
15. sticky sugars on the capsule of some bacteria for attachment
16. process where a single bacterium divides to make two identical bacteria
17. type of environment in which archaebacteria live
18. bacteria found in soil that produce antibiotics 21. poisons made by some bacteria
23. outer covering of polysaccharides that protects some bacteria & helps them attach
24. bacteria that live in the intestines of some animals to aid digestion
25. protein-carbohydrate in the cell walls of eubacteria
26. used to classify bacteria
29. bacterial produced substances that stop the growth of other microorganisms
33. showed evidence that bacteria have existed for 3.5 billion years
35. prefix used when bacteria grow in grapelike clusters
37. bacteria that gram stain red to pink
39. example of a nitrogen-fixing bacteria that lives on the roots of plants
40. corkscrew shaped bacteria