Fish Puzzle


Fill in the blanks with the correct letters. The words in the list on the right provide a clue to the answer. 

1) _erte _ r _ _ small bones making up the backbone
2) _ ran _ _ m bony protection covering the brain
3) a _ nath _ class containing hagfish & lampreys
4) _ ho_d _ _ ch _ h _ e _ class containing sharks & rays
5) _ ste _ ch _ h _ es class of bony fish
6) ar _ h _ _ bony supports for the gills
7) l _ _ _ ral line system that detects vibrations in the water
8) h _ gfi _ _ jawless marine fish that feed on dead fish
9) la _ _ re_ jawless and sometimes parasitic fish
10) ex _ e _ _ a _ fertilization in jawless fish
11) _ _ _ _ ila_e flexible protein material in the skeleton of sharks
12) p _ a _ oid toothlike scales on sharks
13) _ _ c _ oral fins on sharks that appear like wings of an airplane
14) o_f _ _ _ o _ y responsible for the shark’s acute sense of smell
15) _ a _ flattened bat like fish with a skeleton of cartilage
16) sl _ t _ openings into the gills on cartilagenous fish
17) c _ _ _ _ ers modified pelvic fins of male sharks used to transfer sperm
18) _ er _ h example of a ray finned fish
19) o_er _ _ l _ _ bony covering over the gills of bony fish
20) _a _ d _ l tail fin
21) _iv _ _ organ that secretes bile to digest fats
22) a _ t _ ri _ s carry blood away from the heart
23) vein _ return blood to the heart
24) _ t_iu _ heart chamber that receives blood bck form the heart
25) _e _ t _ icl _ pumping chamber of the heart
26) co _ _ te _ _ urr _ nt movement of blod across a fish’s gills for maximum absorption of oxygen
27) b _ oyan _ _ property that the swim bladder gives to a fish
28) _ er _ _ rum forebrain
29) c _ r _ _ _ llum hindbrain
30) spa _ _ in _ reproductive behavior where fish build nests and lay their eggs