Scientific Method Web Quest


Scientist studying globeThe Scientific MethodScientist using telescope


Did you know that scientists have a process they follow when they do their jobs?  It’s called the Scientific Method.  Scientists don’t just sit down, come up with an idea, and then run out and share it with everyone.

Your assignment is to learn about how scientists do their work.

Assignment, the First

RadiometerWrite a one or two-page paper on the Scientific Method.

Your paper must:

  • Answer:  “What is the Scientific Method?”
  • List steps in the Scientific Method
  • Look at different websites. Identify any differences you may find.
  • Explain how scientists use the Scientific Method.
  • Explain how you use the Scientific Method outside the classroom.


Look at the following websites to help you find the information you need to write your paper.

Biology4Kids Reasoning in Science

NASASCIFiles – The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method

Science Fair Central – The Scientific Method

Experimental Science Projects:  An Intermediate Level Guide

IPL Kids Space – The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method

Science Experiments for Kids – The Scientific Method

Logic and the Scientific Method

Assignment, the Second

Select a question. Explain how you would use the Scientific Method to answer the question.  Describe an experiment you could do to answer the question.

  • How does water move through a plant?
  • Which soap kills the most germs?
  • Can a potato generate electricity?
  • Can I hit a baseball better with a wooden bat or an aluminum bat?
  • Do vegetables grown using pesticides differ in flavor from those grown organically?
  • How much trash does the average household in my community create per week?  How does this compare with the national average?
  • Does presoaking seeds affect the germination and growth of plants?
  • Can I blow square bubbles?
  • How does acid rain affect plants?

Your paper must have the following information:

  • Identify the question you are answering.
  • Explain how you would use the Scientific Method to answer the question.
  • Describe an experiment you could perform to answer that question.


Newton's CradleYou will be using the Scientific Method, in some form, all through your life.  It is important you understand how it works.  Have fun working on this project!