AP Plant Study Guide-8b Unit 8B – PlantsKnow the following:water potential of a turgid plant cell in pure wateradaptations of hydrophyteswhat occurs if guard & surrounding epidermal cells are K+ deficienthow stomata are opened & closedwhat must the plant expend for bulk flow of water in the root apoplastwhich part of an oat seedling detects the direction of lighteffect of gibberellins on the aleurone layer of seedshow plant hormones determine the bending of plants toward lightwhat hormone might produce normal growth in a mutant dwarf plantwhat can function as a sink in plantswhy does photosynthesis decrease in wilting leaveswhat are epiphyteswhat is chlorosiswhat soil characteristics would be the least productive to plant growthwhat happens to most water taken up by a planthow solutes move in plants according to the pressure-flow hypothesis of phloem transportwhat causes guttation to occurwhy does most of the water in xylem move upward in a treewhat property of water causes cohesion of its moleculesfunction of companion cellswhat 2 elements make up most of the dry weight of plantswhat could be the harmful effect of spraying a fungicide on a woodlotwhat do carnivorous plants supplement by eating insectswhy is nitrogen fixation so importantwhat would be characteristics of soil well suited for plant growthwhat is the function of micronutrients in plantswhat elements are micronutrients needed by plantswhat elements are macronutrients needed by plantswhat is meant by double fertilizationwhat are some “vegetables” that technically are fruitswhy is sexual reproduction an advantage to plantswhat is the megaspore mother cell & what does it dowhat do male gametophytes produce in plantsname 4 flower parts that are modified leaveswhat is the function of a seed’s radiclewhat forms pollen on a plantwhat do the 2 sperm nuclei fertilize in plantswhat causes seed germinationwhat floral parts are involved in pollination & fertilizationwhat things can function in signal transduction in plantswhat is needed by a short-day plant for it to flowerwhat type of tropism do vines use to grow toward tropical treeswhy do plants use changes in photoperiods instead of air temperature changes to trigger dormancywhat is needed to get poinsettias to bloom early in Decemberdo plant hormones act the same on all root & stem tissueswhat hormone is involved in the rapid opening & closing of stomatawhat effect do auxins have on stem cuttings that are to be rooted