How To Write A Scientific Biology Paper

Let’s try to figure out what essential features that biology essay contains.

First, this type of Biology essay is devoted to one particular problem or question, so the author’s position is not comprehensive. But often, one problem leads to the disclosure of many secondary issues, and the student should try not to “drown” in them but stick to a specific main position.

Second, the essay is a rather subjective genre. And this is its value. After all, the teacher expects from the essay writing a personal assessment of the specific biological topic, uniqueness, expression of an individual position, style of thinking and speech, free orientation in social science terms, and social events.

Thirdly, an essay requires ease of narration; that is, freedom in presenting one’s thoughts should be felt. The use of any formal settings can make a mini-essay “dry,” “stale,” and “non-scientific,” while the content should be captivating, sometimes even contradicting standard principles, and in this case, you can use any paper helper you need.

Fourth, essays on science topics should be peculiar in order to excite the reader, to give an opportunity to re-evaluate known facts, to challenge the truth, citing paradoxical definitions as proof.

Fifth, despite the paradoxical facts, the content must have inner harmony and consistency with the author’s personal judgments.

Sixth, the essay has such a trait as openness. Of course, as in any essay
or article, at the end of the essay, it is necessary to draw a conclusion so that any other author could continue to think about the issue disclosed, giving an analysis or supplementing

The merits of the biology essay should include:

  • Availability of brief information about the author of the statement that became the topic of the essay (political figure, economist, philosopher, public figure);
  • Inclusion of his predecessors, followers, and opponents; – description of different points of view on the problem;
  • Multiple meanings of used concepts and terms in the context of the content;
  • Giving alternative solutions to the problem.

Criteria for evaluating essays

Before starting to write a biological essay, a student should be familiarized with the requirements for this type of task. More often than not, you can turn to practice assignments.

Scores for the essay are given in accordance with such criteria as the meaning of the statement is disclosed, your own position is presented with argumentation, and judgments and arguments are revealed with the support of theoretical provisions, conclusions and facts. But these criteria do not give students specificity. It should be remembered that the essay, as a specific type of task, requires students to express their skills and abilities.

Writing an essay starts with choosing a topic. The topics of the proposed problems are divided into categories: philosophy, sociology, economics, social
psychology, political science, and law. To prepare for writing an essay on biology, it is best for students to decide on two or three areas in which they are more successfully oriented, appealing to concepts and facts. Sometimes students choose a particular area of this science that they like to discuss topical issues on their own.

However, based on the experience of preparing for the essay, the student should try their hand in all directions, then the priority ones will be presented most clearly, and the student will put the emphasis already on them. Choosing
an essay topic is a complicated task. Pupils should be sure that they understand the chosen statement correctly, that they have sufficient social science concepts, and that they will be able to cite convincing facts and examples from history, social life, and their own experience.

Next, it is necessary to define the problem reflected in the statement, its relevance, and its scientific importance. Most often, the statement itself already contains a clue to the problem. In the first stages of preparation for writing an essay, it is necessary to pay attention of students to those terms that are used in the task. It is these concepts that need to be disclosed in the content of
the essay, and it is from these concepts that the argument is explored.

To build the logic of the presentation of the contents of the essay, students are helped by drawing up a plan or a kind of draft. The students have an opportunity to choose the sequence of arguments, facts, and examples, and this is where the unconventionality of the essay will come into play.

The three main positions of the structure

In my opinion, there are three main positions of the structure that should still be taken into account: the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion. This will make the work of the students much easier.

The introduction shows just how much the student understood the problem and reflected its relevance. Also, in the introduction, it is necessary to specify also own position on the submitted problem and to define the further directions of research.

The main part of the essay is a detailed study of the problem with its proof or refutation. This part of the essay structure is more voluminous and informative. Here the authors give their theses, determining the truth or falsity of the statement. The theses should be diluted with facts, phenomena of reality, and scientific evidence.

Facts should be interconnected, and it should be remembered that any fact has its validity only in a particular historical time. It is in this part that the definitions of concepts are revealed through the essential features of the subjects. Besides, the free use of social science concepts in the context of the content shows how complete the author’s knowledge is.

It is important that the concepts used are clear, correct, and generally accepted. A huge plus in writing an essay is giving examples. If the author has difficulty in this regard, you can use examples from your own life and accumulated experience. It should be borne in mind that examples must clearly relate to the analyzed problem.

The use of examples shows the free orientation of students in the social space and the ability to correctly assess events, processes, the actions of individuals.

The final part of the essay may contain brief conclusions of students on the topic, reflecting their own point of view, which is prospective in nature. Also, in conclusion, the author can offer his original solution to the problem.

The essay will become more interesting if the conclusions are bright, emotional, and unpredictable, with unusual twists. This will allow further reasoning on the analyzed problem (Man is only a part of a huge world, a world that is entangled in a thick web of mysteries and riddles. Will there be a spider to unravel it? Man…? What is it…? Who is it?…). Thus, the best way to write an essay is to do it sequentially.

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