Sponges Puzzle


Sponges, Cnidarians, & Ctenophorans


4. live in oceans & seas

5. ability to produce their own light such as the ctenophorans

6. phylum containing sponges

8. organism that lives in the tentacles of coral (Nemo)

9. example of a freshwater cnidarian

10. underwater islands that from from the limestone cases of corals

14. flexible extensions that surround the mouth of cnidarians

15. material between the body wall of sponges for support

16. cells in sponges that beat their flagella to bring in water

17. protein fibers making up the simple skeleton of a sponge

18. how animals like sponges feed 19. regeneration is an example of this type of reproduction

20. class of cnidarians containing the Portuguese man of war

23. live attached to surfaces

24. bell-shaped form of cnidarians with tentacles the hang below the body 27. nervous system shape of cnidarians

28. vase-shaped form of cnidarians with upright tentacles

32. phylum in which coral animals are found

33. phylum containing marine comb jellies

34. sponges that produce both eggs & sperm

35. inner cell layer of cnidarians

37. interior body cavity of corals & jellyfish

40. holes in a sponge where water with food enters



1. stinging cells in the tentacles of cnidarians

2. simplest of all animals

3. internal buds formed by sponges during droughts or cold weather

7. cnidarians have this arrangement of body parts

11. outer cell layer of sponges & cnidarians

12. example of a marine cnidarian

13. class of cnidarians containing corals

16. cells of ctenophorans that eject a sticky substance to capture prey

21. sponge has this arrangement of body parts

22. a sponge’s ability to regrow missing body parts

25. any animal such as sponge without a backbone

26. tiny hard spikelike calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide particles in a sponges skeleton

29. large opening at the top of a sponge where excess water & wastes leave 30. number of cells in the body wall of sponges

31. coiled filament inside a stinging cell of jellyfish

36. free swimming larval stage of jellyfish

38. movable cells in a sponge that can pick & deliver food to other cells

39. class of cnidarians containing jellyfish