Quiz Bacteria


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true ' + 'or false.

'; instructionText[1] = '


Complete each sentence or ' + 'statement.

'; instructionIndex[0] = 0; instructionIndex[1] = 9; numberText[0] = '1.'; questionText[0] = '

Gram-negative bacteria have a thick layer of peptidoglycan that stains ' + 'purple.

'; answerText[0] = '


'; numberText[1] = '2.'; questionText[1] = '

Bacteria lack nuclei and therefore also lack genetic material.

'; answerText[1] = '


'; numberText[2] = '3.'; questionText[2] = '

Bacterial cells have membrane-bound organelles and chromosomes.

'; answerText[2] = '


'; numberText[3] = '4.'; questionText[3] = '

Bacterial cells are usually much larger than eukaryotic cells.

'; answerText[3] = '


'; numberText[4] = '5.'; questionText[4] = '

Bacteria are incapable of movement themselves; they can only get to new locations by ' + 'growing toward them or by forming endospores and being carried in air or water.

'; answerText[4] = '


'; numberText[5] = '6.'; questionText[5] = '

Some bacteria ' + 'cannot survive in the presence of oxygen.

'; answerText[5] = '


'; numberText[6] = '7.'; questionText[6] = '

When bacteria ' + 'undergo nonreproductive genetic recombination, their bacterial chromosome is altered.

'; answerText[6] = '


'; numberText[7] = '8.'; questionText[7] = '

Certain antibiotics have become ineffective against certain strains of bacteria. These ' + 'bacteria have developed a resistance, which may be passed on from one generation of bacteria to the ' + 'next.

'; answerText[7] = '


'; numberText[8] = '9.'; questionText[8] = '

The photoautotrophic ' + 'bacteria are the only bacteria that are indirectly beneficial to humans.

'; answerText[8] = '


'; numberText[9] = '10.'; questionText[9] = '

Spiral bacteria ' + 'are called ____________________.

'; answerText[9] = '


'; numberText[10] = '11.'; questionText[10] = '

Spherical bacteria are called ____________________.

'; answerText[10] = '


'; numberText[11] = '12.'; questionText[11] = '

Rod-shaped bacteria are called ____________________.

'; answerText[11] = '


'; numberText[12] = '13.'; questionText[12] = '

The procedure ' + 'used to distinguish between two types of bacterial cell wall structures is called ' + '____________________.

'; answerText[12] = '

Gram staining

'; numberText[13] = '14.'; questionText[13] = '

Protective structures that some bacteria may form under harsh conditions are ' + '____________________.

'; answerText[13] = '


'; numberText[14] = '15.'; questionText[14] = '

The cell walls ' + 'of Gram-negative eubacteria are composed of a combination of polysaccharide and polypeptide called ' + '____________________.

'; answerText[14] = '


'; numberText[15] = '16.'; questionText[15] = '

Bacteria that obtain their energy by removing electrons from inorganic molecules, ' + 'rather than obtaining energy from the sun, are called ____________________ bacteria.

'; answerText[15] = '


'; numberText[16] = '17.'; questionText[16] = '

In general, ' + 'organisms that obtain their energy from sunlight are called ____________________.

'; answerText[16] = '


'; numberText[17] = '18.'; questionText[17] = '

Bacteria that are heterotrophic and feed on dead organic matter are called ' + '____________________.

'; answerText[17] = '


'; numberText[18] = '19.'; questionText[18] = '

A(n) ____________________ ' + 'is a substance that can be obtained from bacteria or fungi and can be used as a drug to fight ' + 'pathogenic bacteria.

'; answerText[18] = '


'; numberText[19] = '20.'; questionText[19] = '

Many bacteria ' + 'are ____________________ and play an important role in recycling carbon, nitrogen, and other ' + 'elements, while other bacteria are ____________________ and assemble organic compounds from carbon ' + 'dioxide, nitrogen, and other elements.

'; answerText[19] = '

decomposers; photosynthetic

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" + titleString + "

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" + prefixText[i] + "

" + numberText[i] + " 

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"); document.writeln("

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" + responseText[i] + "


" + answerText[i] + "


" + notesText[i] + "


" + refText[i] + "

"); document.writeln("


"); document.writeln("
"); document.writeln("

"); document.writeln("

"); document.write("

"); document.writeln("


"); document.writeln("Retake Test"); document.write(""); document.writeln("Help"); document.writeln("

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"  		if (isCorrect)  			text += ""  		else  			text += ""    		if (listMap.charAt(answerIndex) == "1") {  			if (responseText.length == 0)  				responseText = " ";  			text += " " + responseText + " ";  		}    		text += "

" return(text); } function StripSpaces(s) { var len; var i; len = s.length; for (i=len - 1; i >= 0 && s.charAt(i) == " "; --i) len = i; if (len == 0) s = ""; else if (len != s.length) s = s.substring(0, len); return(s); } function TranslateHtmlString(text) { var newText; var replaceString; var position; var length; var breakPos; var skipExtra; var i; newText = ""; position = 0; length = text.length; while (position < length) { skipExtra = 0; breakPos = -1; for (i=position; i < length && breakPos < 0; ++i) { switch(text.charAt(i)) { case '>': replaceString = ">"; breakPos = i; break; case '<': replaceString = "<"; breakPos = i; break; case '&': replaceString = "&"; breakPos = i; break; case 'r': if ((i + 1) < length && text.charAt(i + 1) == 'n') skipExtra = 1; replaceString = "
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Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.
Gram-negative bacteria have a thick layer of peptidoglycan that stains purple.
Bacteria lack nuclei and therefore also lack genetic material.
Bacterial cells have membrane-bound organelles and chromosomes.
Bacterial cells are usually much larger than eukaryotic cells.
Bacteria are incapable of movement themselves; they can only get to new locations by growing toward them or by forming endospores and being carried in air or water.
Some bacteria cannot survive in the presence of oxygen.
When bacteria undergo nonreproductive genetic recombination, their bacterial chromosome is altered.
Certain antibiotics have become ineffective against certain strains of bacteria. These bacteria have developed a resistance, which may be passed on from one generation of bacteria to the next.
The photoautotrophic bacteria are the only bacteria that are indirectly beneficial to humans.

Complete each sentence or statement.
Spiral bacteria are called ____________________.

Spherical bacteria are called ____________________.

Rod-shaped bacteria are called ____________________.

The procedure used to distinguish between two types of bacterial cell wall structures is called ____________________.

Protective structures that some bacteria may form under harsh conditions are ____________________.

The cell walls of Gram-negative eubacteria are composed of a combination of polysaccharide and polypeptide called ____________________.

Bacteria that obtain their energy by removing electrons from inorganic molecules, rather than obtaining energy from the sun, are called ____________________ bacteria.

In general, organisms that obtain their energy from sunlight are called ____________________.

Bacteria that are heterotrophic and feed on dead organic matter are called ____________________.

A(n) ____________________ is a substance that can be obtained from bacteria or fungi and can be used as a drug to fight pathogenic bacteria.

Many bacteria are ____________________ and play an important role in recycling carbon, nitrogen, and other elements, while other bacteria are ____________________ and assemble organic compounds from carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other elements.


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