Quiz Evolution
'; instructionText[1] = '
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'; answerText[0] = '
'; numberText[1] = '2.'; questionText[1] = '
'; answerText[1] = '
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'; answerText[2] = '
'; numberText[3] = '4.'; questionText[3] = '
'; answerText[3] = '
'; numberText[4] = '5.'; questionText[4] = '
'; answerText[4] = '
'; numberText[5] = '6.'; questionText[5] = '
'; answerText[5] = '
'; numberText[6] = '7.'; questionText[6] = '
'; answerText[6] = '
'; numberText[7] = '8.'; questionText[7] = '
'; answerText[7] = '
'; numberText[8] = '9.'; questionText[8] = '
'; answerText[8] = '
'; numberText[9] = '10.'; questionText[9] = '
'; answerText[9] = '
'; numberText[10] = '11.'; questionText[10] = '
'; answerText[10] = '
'; numberText[11] = '12.'; questionText[11] = '
'; answerText[11] = '
'; numberText[12] = '13.'; questionText[12] = '
'; answerText[12] = '
'; numberText[13] = '14.'; questionText[13] = '
'; answerText[13] = '
'; numberText[14] = '15.'; questionText[14] = '
'; answerText[14] = '
'; numberText[15] = '16.'; questionText[15] = '
'; answerText[15] = '
'; numberText[16] = '17.'; questionText[16] = '
'; answerText[16] = '
'; numberText[17] = '18.'; questionText[17] = '
'; answerText[17] = '
'; numberText[18] = '19.'; questionText[18] = '
'; answerText[18] = '
'; numberText[19] = '20.'; questionText[19] = '
'; answerText[19] = '
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n"); document.writeln(""); document.writeln("Name: " + studentName + "
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"); document.writeln("
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"); ++currentNarrative; } } document.writeln("
"); document.writeln(""); document.writeln("
"); document.writeln("
"); } document.writeln("
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"); document.writeln(narrativeText[currentNarrative]); document.writeln(" "); document.writeln(" | ||||||||||
" + prefixText[i] + " | " + numberText[i] + " | " + questionText[i]); document.writeln(" "); document.writeln(" "); if (listMap.charAt(i) != "1") { document.writeln(""); document.writeln(" "); } document.writeln(" "); document.writeln(" "); if (showNotes) { document.writeln(" "); document.writeln(" "); } if (showRef) { document.writeln(" "); document.writeln(" "); } document.writeln("
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"); document.writeln(" | "); document.write(""); document.writeln(""); document.writeln(" |
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" if (isCorrect) text += "" else text += "" if (listMap.charAt(answerIndex) == "1") { if (responseText.length == 0) responseText = " "; text += " " + responseText + " "; } text += "
" return(text); } function StripSpaces(s) { var len; var i; len = s.length; for (i=len - 1; i >= 0 && s.charAt(i) == " "; --i) len = i; if (len == 0) s = ""; else if (len != s.length) s = s.substring(0, len); return(s); } function TranslateHtmlString(text) { var newText; var replaceString; var position; var length; var breakPos; var skipExtra; var i; newText = ""; position = 0; length = text.length; while (position < length) { skipExtra = 0; breakPos = -1; for (i=position; i < length && breakPos < 0; ++i) { switch(text.charAt(i)) { case '>': replaceString = ">"; breakPos = i; break; case '<': replaceString = "<"; breakPos = i; break; case '&': replaceString = "&"; breakPos = i; break; case 'r': if ((i + 1) < length && text.charAt(i + 1) == 'n') skipExtra = 1; replaceString = "
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Name: Evolution |
True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. | ||
1. | The theory of evolution states that species change over time. | |
2. | The inheritance of acquired characteristics was one mechanism of evolution supported by Darwin. | |
3. | Darwin observed that the plants and animals of the Galapagos Islands were the same as those on islands off the coast of Africa with similar environments. | |
4. | The book Principles of Geology by Charles Lyell described how changes in land formations can cause species to evolve. | |
5. | In his “Essay on the Principle of Population,” Malthus said humans were the only population that could continue to grow in size indefinitely. | |
6. | The two major ideas that Darwin presented in The Origin of Species were that evolution occurred and that natural selection was its mechanism. | |
7. | The environment dictates only the direction and extent of evolution. | |
8. | The environment selects which organisms will survive and reproduce by presenting challenges that only individuals with particular traits can meet. | |
9. | The way an embryo develops is not important in determining the evolutionary history of a species. | |
10. | Within populations, divergence leads to new species. | |
Completion Complete each sentence or statement. | ||
11. | When an organism becomes ____________________, the tissues are replaced by harder minerals. | |
12. | A species that has disappeared permanently is said to be ____________________. | |
13. | A change in species over time is called ____________________. | |
14. | The process by which organisms with traits well suited to an environment survive and reproduce at a greater rate than organisms less suited for that environment is called ____________________. | |
15. | According to Darwin, the ____________________ determines the rate at which organisms survive and reproduce. | |
16. | A(n) ____________________ consists of all the individuals of a particular species in a particular place. | |
17. | Homologous structures are similar because they originated in a shared ____________________. | |
18. | ____________________ structures are similar because they originated in a shared ancestor. | |
19. | Closely related species show more ____________________ in nucleotide sequences than distantly related species. | |
20. | ____________________ occurs as two or more species change in response to each other. |