- Realizes this is a fast-paced course so they have excellent attendance.
- Is never late.
- Always has their textbook, notebook, lab book, pencil, … when they come to class.
- Let’s the teacher know ahead of time when they will miss for a doctor’s appointment or school trip.
- Makes certain that all assignments, labs, projects, and reports are completed on time.
- Schedules tests & labs to be made up after school when they return from an absence.
- Does not miss an excessive number of class periods for school trips.
- Keeps track of their grade.
- Always reads every lab before that lab day.
- Reads and recopies lecture notes and keeps them in an organized notebook.
- Reads all chapters before lecture.
- Reviews all chapters and notes each day.
- Asks questions in class.
- Utilizes the computer tutorials that supplement each unit of study.
- Pays attention in class.
- Keeps neat & accurate lab data to be organized in lab reports.
- Follows all instructions for projects & collections.